Many Faces of Facelift Surgery
There are common, inevitable changes that result from growing older and, according to Dr. Potparic, “cannot be corrected through a single cosmetic procedure.” “Due to the loss of muscle and skin tone and weakening support of ligaments that attach facial soft tissue to the bones, there is a descent of facial soft tissues,” he explains. The result? “High, arched brows descend over time; upper eyelids become heavy; lower eyelids begin to sag; and high, full, round cheeks droop downward, creating deep folds.” Moreover, Dr. Potparic believes that satisfactory correction of the above-mentioned aging symptoms requires complex facial rejuvenation: repositioning descended structures, tightening facial and neck muscles, removing redundant skin and adding volume to deflated facial features. “Volume enhancement may involve using the patient’s own fat, facial implants or soft-tissue fillers,” he says. Performing most of his facial rejuvenation procedures in well-synchronized surgical sessions, Dr. Potparic is quick to point out that not everybody needs the same procedures. “When a patient has a drooping brow, deep forehead creases and/or a cleft between the eyes that makes them appear angry, tired or sad, I may recommend a brow lift, either alone or along with additional facial procedures, depending on their other aging symptoms. The treatment plan I recommend is always based on the patient’s uniqueness and individuality.”
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