5 Proven Fat Zappers
Posted Wednesday, January 04, 2012 by Shellie Terry Benson, Editor NEW BEAUTY MAGAZINE
Your New Year's weight-loss/tone up/eat-healthier resolutions don't have to rely on some new, hyped-up (and certainly untested) technique to be effective. We've gathered up five sure-fire ways for you to blast fat once and for all.
Lift something Paired with your regular cardiovascular exercise, two days of strength training per week are essential for fat melting. The extra muscle you build will assist the cardio work in burning more fat, which gives way to those toned and sculpted abs and biceps.
Eat more fruit We'll admit, this is easier during the summer months when you've got a better variety, but in most areas you can find some sort of melon, which is rich in vitamin C and flavonoids that help break down fatty compounds.
Sip green tea This beverage made a lot of headlines in 2011, and for good reason. With each cup, you get a big dose of protective antioxidants and green tea is known to increase the body's metabolic rate, the speed at which fat is burned. So put this at the top of your resolution list.
Have a few salad days Lettuce is chock-full of iron and magnesium, which are believed to dissolve fat.
Choose the gold standard If you've exhausted all the diet and exercise options and you're skin is in good shape, you might consider liposuction to get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat. During the procedure, a plastic surgeon will make a small incision and insert a cannula, which is used to suction out fat, revealing a more-toned body. And the bonus: Fat will never grow back in that area. (Although you have to maintain your weight so that it doesn't grow elsewhere!)
Comment from Dr. Potparic;
Before you decide on any surgery for an area that might benefit by exercise, I encourage you to first try to lose weight with diet and exercise. If after a reasonable amount of time you find that dieting, eating healthfully and exercising has not worked for you, you might want to consider liposuction. Liposuction isn’t for everyone, but it might be for you when all else fails. Liposuction can also work for someone who has lost a considerable amount of weight but still has stubborn areas that need to be minimized. Where can Liposuction work: Areas of fat deposits that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and do not go away with diet and exercise, areas with minimal amounts of excess skin (Liposuction removes fat not skin). Call our office for more information: (954) 779-2777
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